About Us

A word from the owner.

When you think of the word “Tiller”, many images may come to mind. Most people typically think of the tool that is used to “till” the soil. Tilling is that process of churning the earth which includes ridding it of weeds and other debris that stand in the way of future growth, as well as preparing the soil to receive water, sunlight, oxygen, and other nutrients that it needs to produce strong healthy growth in the seasons to come. While this is a fantastic analogy for counseling and an accurate description of our desire to see people become healthy and prepared to grow in seasons that lie ahead, this company was actually named after my grandfather, George. The name George to the best of my knowledge means “earth worker” or “one who tills the soil” hence the name Tiller.

My grandfather was great at a few things; whistling, collecting junk cars in the back yard, falling asleep anywhere, and making people feel loved. It was simple really, no complicated anecdotes or mind bending proverbs; just simple reminders that someone believed they were very important, that they had incredible value, and they should never forget it. He was tireless about it. I’m not even sure there was one time in my life where I saw him without him grabbing me by the knee in his vicelike grip, looking me in the eye, and reminding me that I had undeniable, nonrefundable, unconditional worth. He would always finish his reminder with a request, or more of an order, “don’t you forget that ok?” To which I would always have to reply, “I won’t PopPop.” And you know what? I never forgot.

My grandfather is the reason why here at Tiller, we believe that beyond any principles we may teach, or progress we make, or changes that occur, the most important thing we can do is be a place that reminds our clients this fundamental truth: They possess incredible worth and value. This is what makes the work we do worth it. Change is painful. Getting healthy is slow. Growth, loss, and fear are overwhelming. Taking risk is difficult. But our clients, and the lives they lead, matter because of the undeniable, nonrefundable, unconditional value we believe they have. And if these “stories” we call “life” really do matter, then it matters what it looks like, and it matters that we learn from it, and it matters that we grow, and it certainly matters that we set our eyes ahead to a place of healthiness and leave behind us the debris that has held us back for so long.

We don’t want you to forget that, ok?